Производња/трговац на велико геомембранама у Кини

ХДПЕ/ЛДПЕ/ПВЦ Геомембрана УВ отпорност за бране, резервоаре, рударске малопродаје

3Д дренажни Геонет-савршен дренажни материјал

3Д дренажни Геонет-савршен дренажни материјал

Геонет је производ направљен од термопластичне смоле као сировине и додатног састојка. Екструдиран је у квадратну, дијамантску или шестерокутну мрежу, а има својства против киселина и против алкалија.
Генет има карактеристике отпорности на старење и отпорности на корозију и може спречити пуцање цестовног дна, поседује снажну флексибилност и добру пропустљивост, спречава корозију морске воде и може апсорбовати удар таласа; побољшати заштиту на површини бране и стене.

3D Drainage Geonet-Perfect Drainage Material


Geonet is a product made of thermoplastic resin as raw material and anti-UV accessory ingredient. It is extruded into the square, diamond-shaped or hexagonal grid, and has anti-aging and anti-acid and anti-alkali properties.  

The applications in roads and railway subgrade can effectively distribute loads, improve the bearing capacity and stability of the foundation, and extend the service life. The application of geonets on the slope of the road can prevent landslides, protect water and soil, and beautify the environment. The protection laying of reservoirs and river dams can effectively prevent landslides; in coastal engineering project, it is characterized by its good flexibility and good permeability to buffer the impact energy of the waves. 

Genet has the features of ageing resistance and corrosion resistance, can prevent the crack of roadbed, and owns strong flexibility and good permeability, prevent sea water corrosion and can absorb wave impact; improve the protection on the surface of dam and rock.

Drainage geonet


Width: 2m; length: 50m or as per clients’ request



Applicable for the protection of the river dam, coast protection, tunnel project and breakwater, and the foundation reinforcement for general soft land, drainage liners, slope protection and grass planting, etc.

Drainage geonet

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